Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WHEN DOES IT END? I really can't imagine how things got to the place they are for us a nation and beyond that, globally. 

Something is seriously out of order when airing your differences makes maiming and killing other human beings a viable option. (I guess you could define that as war.) 

Have we really progressed so very little in the brief time we have been in control of this planet? 

Until we really understand how connected we are as people regardless of race,religion,background I don't think we will truly progress any further as a species. Very very sad.

Praying for the people in Boston and especially for the person who created and detonated the bombs. They are definitely a very hurt and sick individual. Today I will look at my classroom as a platform to soothe and support. Encourage and speak life into the lives you touch every day. You may not get another chance, and your words may make the difference for someone between life and death for themselves or others.... Blessings to you.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Photo credit "Weir" by Vaughan Harries
We have officially hit what I affectionately call- " The 40-day-slump". More of the school year has gone over the dam than we have in front of us. The students are ready to be "done" for the year, the teachers are secretly feeling the same way but would NEVER admit it. In my world which is in the sometimes "no-man's-land" of  special education, I often feel like the fuse is creeping on a time bomb. Which student will fall off the map this week?  I am hoping that in some way I can impact this last part of the school year in a positive way. We are preparing madly for the next wave of standardized tests, trying to keep up with ever increasing core curriculum demands a.k.a. HOMEWORK*. How can we stop the insanity? I try to have something novel, silly, totally out of context to present to my classes every day. I allow them to breathe. I remind them that in spite of how much the world is changing (them included), they are still children, and yes, it is OK to laugh and play on occasion. HAPPY FRIDAY~ hopefully the snow will melt and we can spend some time outside......

* see video below